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The Thirteen Days of Christmas by Tony Zurlo

Tony Zurlo

On the Twelfth Day of Christmas

my true love came with gifts.

12 drummers drumming loudly

leading 11 pipers piping


And 10 Lords a leaping from room

to room, chasing 9 ladies dancing,

and 8 maids a milking both for money,

and 7 swans a swimming laps

in my pool.

And 6 geese a laying eggs on my bed,

and 5 golden rings (prizes from

a Cracker Jack box), and 4 birds

calling for more "spike" in the eggnog,

and 3 French hens cackling (in French).

And 2 turtle doves smooching

in full sight of a lonely partridge

hiding in a pear tree. So on

the Thirteenth Day of Christmas

I told my true love:

"This house is unmanageable; maybe

we should move out. So we put up

a "For Sale" sign, gathered all the

presents and donated them to

a nearby orphanage.

Merry Christmas



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© 2016 by Andrea Zurlo.

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