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Reading Masks by Tony Zurlo


("The Aphasia mask won't let me explain,  but I'm still the same person you knew before. I could use a smile now and then."  Jim)


We think we read faces and focus

on a people's eyes, "the windows

to the soul." But each mask speaks

a different language, and each mask

looks at us with a different set of eyes.

Sometimes faces and masks telegraph

identical messages, but their codes

and thoughts are protected behind eyes

too cloudy or hesitant or afraid

to join in this game of reading masks.


We can never rip off the mask to see

the face behind the mask. Probably

we'd discover layers of masks covering

more faces and windows, and the soul

hides behind all the faces and eyes.

There are masks to relay smiles, others

for frowns, masks for laughter, masks

to mask tears and fear, and each one

with a pair of eyes that delivers separate

analysis of random, scrambled thoughts.

More faces and masks and eyes to read,

more winding jumbles and twists for

our eyes to unravel in one lifetime.

We beg for longer lives, for keener

minds, for more energy to dive deeper.


Or perchance, souls have no faces, no masks,

no mysterious sets of eyes. Souls are energy

fields each of us leaves behind that powers

a new generation, thoroughfares for their

imaginations and dreams and music.

If you study eyes and you penetrate masks,

you might find the soul's song and poetry ,

another set of eyes presents a drama, while

a third might offer a full symphony,

and all souls starting a new chapter in life.


© 2016 by Andrea Zurlo.

Todos los derechos reservados. Prohibida su reproducción sin autorización escrita de la autora.
All rights reserved. Reproduction in any form is prohibited without author's prior written permission 
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