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Two poems by Tony Zurlo

Tony Zurlo

Poetry is the Music of Life

Poetry dances, prose walks. Poems are the music

of life, the waltzes and sambas and the blues,

Poems are leaves swaying in the breeze, the wind

whistling through the door, the clouds darkening,

the crack of thunder and the flash of lightning,

the mist in the valley, the rainbow over the hills,

the cotton cumulus clouds, and stars and moonlight.

Poems are tears and laughter that nurture the soul.

Poetry Is Not Complicated

Many decorate their poems with fashions from the past,

others stuff their poems with poetic dressings like allusions,

caesuras, metrics, and conceits. They insert elaborate

language, as if that makes readers swoon with admiration.

They can add powdered wigs, high lace collars, frills,

and silk stockings; top hat, white tie, and tails;

But they all fail to understand. A poem is naked like

Michelangelo's David, simplicity like your heartbeat.


© 2016 by Andrea Zurlo.

Todos los derechos reservados. Prohibida su reproducción sin autorización escrita de la autora.
All rights reserved. Reproduction in any form is prohibited without author's prior written permission 
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