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In the Beginning there was Darkness: More or Less-A tribute to the Marx Brothers


In Today's lesson, I'll explain how Everything began.

There was Nothing but Darkness, (free flowing in Nowhere)

and suddenly free flowing photons (from Somewhere)

surprised Nothing. When Darkness confronted Light (photons),

they split the cosmos into two equal but opposing forces.

Nowhere knew not from where Somewhere came.

But that didn’t surprise Somewhere, who didn't know

what, when, why, where, or how, about Anything, Anyway.

Neither side trusted the other, and their ignorance led to

a lot of stress, leading to some Life and some Death.

The effects of this stress generated lots of energy, both

physical and intellectual. So this created a lot of Positive

and Negative exchanges of ideas, some Dark and some Light.

Some or Others claim this as the origin of the battle of the sexes.

So there must already have been Male and Female, Good and Bad.

From this chaotic process Evolution originated, which cast

Light on the side of the theory of Opposites. Winners and Losers

either Progressed or Retreated. Beautiful and Ugly, Strong

and Weak, Smart and Dumb, and all the rest of the mess

we live with broke from the gate of Light and Darkness.

Theoretical scientists and mystics, those Strange but Familiar

folks who think deeply about first causes and end results say

it is not False, but True that Everything exists in pairs

of competing opposites: like Us--Them; Right and Wrong.

Left-- Right. Fast--Slow. Up and Down. Hot and Cold.

If we imagine that Everything exists, we must concede that

Everything’s opposite--Nothing--stands there along side

Everything, Like it or Not, must Live or Die by this rule.

If one studies Nothing long enough, Nothing's opposite—

Anti-Nothing (or maybe even Everything)--will drop by.

Eventually, it all was chaos. Love and Hate. Order met Disorder.

Everything and Nothing knew Something or Anything was amiss.

Modern and time-worn scientists have proposed a corollary: opposites

attract. Like if a Positive meets a Negative, or a Plus meets a Minus,

they will marry first but inevitably they will end up vaporized.

Over time No One existed only a Short time with Long Time,

its opposite, argued with Anti-No One, or Every One, or just

Anyone. It's the law. Though, it's hard to believe that Any One

can be Anti-Every One. Surely, Any One can find Some One

to like without vaporizing the entire Known (and Unknown) world.

Some Tony and No Tony, First and Last Tony, Male and Female

Tony, Yin Tony and Yang Tony, We and They Tony, (Us or Them

Tony), All Tony and No Tony, Dark and Light Tony, Tall or Short

Tony, Known and Unknown Tony. Indeed, if Tony meets Anti-Tony

they might secretly want to stick around and have some little Tony(i)s.

The Infinite and Finite


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