Late Night Conversations with e.e. cummings
life is “puddle-wonderful,” e. e., even when city
showers linger, we can make up nonsense games,
after school in the autumn fog and ignore salespitches
for wireless typing machines that double as phones.
truth, the solution? “the question” behind "your
eyelids' flutter"? queen annes are weaving lace,
and sisters pass out buttercups, my eyes admiring
butterflies snacking on wisteria, but truthfully e. e.,
truth, the solution, as airy as declarations of peace
and politics and—feebleflimsy and downydelicate,
chimerical, e. e.,. theories derived, deduced, reduced,
and minimalized to one, simple leaf alone down floating,
tonight if we utter "truthshallsetyoufree" while strolling
on the beach, beneath the balloon moon, and we hear
the response "sancho panza," we will hear in tongues
and from the sea scientific and philosophical fumes--
simple as pealing bananasdammit, and accepting
seagulls' naughty invitations to ride the waves, e. e.
first i must shred my diary, vacuum the rug, fix the faucet
and program my phone, but my damn dog keeps interupting….
quantum crews string smoke and mirror from buildings
to celebrate the discovery of Higgs boson…don't ask e.e.
yousee they say that in the invisible world you and i inhabit
particlesinvisible to the naked-- like your balloons too high
to see deflating--well…see this is nolonger dr.einstein's world.
we can't really see reality to determine what truth or solutions
or magic works, or what flimflam, circus barking science wants
tosellus. e.e., it's a “hell of a good universe”? comeandjoinus