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Water, Heart, and Sun: Eternity


Water, Heart, and Sun: Eternity

The Chinese character for eternity, Yǒng héng,

has two parts: Yǒng is forever, created with strokes

for water, with ripples and foam. Ten thousand years

past, a snowcapped peak melted beneath a summer sun,

and water meandered down the mountain, branching

into a network of streams and dispersing into the sea.

Returning to the heavens as vapor rising, billowing out

into clouds pregnant with rain, the water freezes and

snow falls onto mountain tops, and begins again the

timeless journey, the cycle of life and resurrection.

Two characters combine for the second part: héng

means permanent, and begins with the heart, the essence

of life. Centered on the right is the warm sun, framed

by heaven and earth. Ten thousand thousand years ago,

an explosion in the heavens transmitted brilliant light

throughout the universe and ignited life on earth.

Water and sun, earth and heaven, yin and yang, the unity

of life and death, the balance of the universe, the wisdom

of East and West, life tamed by the lessons of symmetry--

Each cycle a step in our destiny as suns in Yǒng héng.


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© 2016 by Andrea Zurlo.

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